The Amputated List of Movies Watched and Books Read in 2013

As a librarian people often ask me, “What are you reading?” I usually tell them that my tastes range wide. I don’t typically read popular fiction, and tend to lean heavily toward nonfiction. Since its the end of the year, here’s the list of books I’ve read and movies I’ve watched in 2013. At the bottom of the list are my top five for each category, including a list of my favorite amputee related books and movies. 


1.  Midnight Rising, Tony Horwitz

2.  The World Atlas of Beer, Tim Webb and Stephen Beaumont 

3.  History of the World in Six Glasses, Tom Standage

4.  The Eagle and the Raven, James Michener

5.  Fly Guy Presents: Sharks, Tedd Arnold

6.  The Men’s Club, Leonard Michaels

7.  Blog Inc.: Blogging for Passion, Profit, and to Create Community, 

     Joy Deangdeelert Cho, Meg Mateo Ilasco, and Grace Bonney

8.  999 Tadpoles, Ken Kimura and Yasunari Murakami

9.  Winter’s Tail: How One Little Dolphin Learned to Swim Again, Craig Hatkoff,

      Juliana Hatkoff and Isabella Hatkoff

10. What Teachers Make, Taylor Mali

11. Franklin and Winston: An intimate Portrait of an Epic Friendship, Jon Meacham 

12. Fragments: Poems, Intimate Notes, Letters, Marilyn Monroe, Stanley Buchthal and Bernard Comment

13. Capturing Camelot, Stanley Tretick’s Iconic Images of the Kennedys, Kitty Kelly

14. Same Sun Here, Silas House and Neela Vaswani

15. Start and Run a Creative Services Business, Susan Kirkland

16. Wise Men, Stuart Nadler

17. Come on Rain, Karen Hesse and Jon J. Muth

18. The Falling Raindrop, Neil Johnson and Joel Chin

19. Did a Dinosaur Drink this Water, Robert E. Wells

20. The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore, William Joyce and Joe Bluhm

21. This Moose Belongs to Me, Oliver Jeffers

22. St. Patrick’s Day, Gail Gibbons

23. Where Men Win Glory, Jon Krakauer

24. Maggie McNair has Sugar Bugs in There, Sheila Booth-Alberstadt

25. Catherine the Great, Robert Massie

26. ABCs of Baseball, Peter Golenbock and Dan Andreasen

27. The Legend of Colton H. Bryant, Alexandra Fuller

28. The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald

29. Different Seasons, “The Body”

      “Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption,” Stephen King

30. Carrie, Stephen King

31. Fairhope in the Roaring 20s, Cathy Donelson

32. Bossy Pants, Tina Fey

33. Between East and West, Anne Applebaum

34. The Ocean at the End of the Lane, Neil Gaiman

35. The World’s Strongest Librarian, Josh Hanagarne

36. Isaac’s Storm, Erik Larson

37. Dubliners, James Joyce

38 The Big House, George Howe Colt

39. The Day the Crayons Quit, Drew Daywalt and Oliver Jeffers

40. Men on Strike: Why Men are Boycotting Marriage, Fatherhood, and the American Dream-and Why it Matters, Helen Smith

41. Blogging for Dummies, Susannah Gardner and Shane Birley

42. The Odyssey, Homer (Robert Fagles Translation)

43. The Iliad, Homer (Robert Fagles Translation)

44. Best Foot Forward, Ingo Arndt

45. The Matchbox Diary, Paul Fleischman and Bagram Ibatoulline

46. Wumbers, Amy Krouse Rosenthal and Tom Lichtenheld

47. The Lump of Coal, Lemony Snicket and Brett Helquist 

48. The Alabama Night Before Christmas, E. J. Sullivan and Ernie Eldredge

49. The Killers, Ernest Hemingway

50. The Spirit of Fairhope, Dean Mosher and Megrez Mosher

51. To The Nines, Janet Evanovich



1.  Zero Dark Thirty

2.  Fistful of Dollars

3.  For a Few Dollars More

4.  Beasts of the Southern Wild

5.  Argo

6.  Lords of Dogtown

7.  Rust and Bone

8.  42

9.  The Perks of Being a Wallflower

10. Night of the Hunter

11. The Great Gatsby

12. Gangster Squad

13. Pixar Animated Shorts

14. Silver Linings Playbook

15. Hemingway and Gellhorn

16. Carrie

17. Quincy M. E.

18. One Crazy Summer

19. Despicable Me

20. Back to School

21. The Way Way Back

22. Feasting on Asphalt

23. Love Song for Bobby Long

24. Zombieland

25. Moon

26. Louis C. K.

27. Better Off Dead

28. Cinderella Man

29. The Paperboy

30. Boardwalk Empire Seasons 2 and 3

31. The Raven

32. Fenway Park 100 Years

33. Monsters U

34. The Heat

35. Better Off Dead

36. Cinderella Man

37. The Paperboy

38. Searching for Sugar Man

39. Good Ol’ Freda Fairhope Film Festival

40. Ginger and Rosa “FFF”

50. (Notes on) Biology “FFF”

51. Chasing Mavericks

52. World War Z

53. Memento

54. Robot and Frank

55. The Words

56. Point Break

57. The Killers

58. American Hustle

59. King’s Row


Top Five Movies

American Hustle

King’s Row

Silver Linings Playbook

The Way Way Back


Documentary: Searching for Sugar Man

Animated: (Notes On) Biology


Top Five Books

The Odyssey

What Teachers Make

Men on Strike

Legend of Colton Bryant 

The Great Gatsby

Picture Book: The Day the Crayons Quit


Top Five with Amputee Characters

King’s Row

Rust and Bone

Same Sun Here

The Eagle and The Raven

Winter’s Tail

1 thought on “The Amputated List of Movies Watched and Books Read in 2013

  1. A great book with a one-legged man as the main character is the dark, comedic, surreal, brilliant novel by Flann O’Brien (which is one of the many pseudonyms used by Irish writer Brian O’Nolan), _The Third Policeman_. The book was written in 1940 or so, but published posthumously in 1967. During O’Nolan’s life and still today he is considered one of the three greatest Irish modern and/or post modern authors along with James Joyce (who was both friend to and fan of O’Nolan) and Samuel Beckett. They all wrote when literature was shifting from modernism to postmodernism, and at least O’Nolan and James wrote in both styles (I’m no expert on this, but I’ve heard Joyce’s Ulysses was the greatest modernist novel and His Finnegans Wake was the greatest postmodernist).

    Anyway, this strange novel (in which the lead character is not the only amputee – indeed, another one-legged man tells him that all one-legged men are in league with one another!) is too hard to summarize, partially because of all the surreal aspects, and also because there is a spoiler, was laugh out loud funny even when getting a little dark (nothing gory) or when it got bewildering. Actually, the bewildering parts (the strange “scientific” explanations by a Dr. DeSelby, which usually appear in footnotes, footnotes that parody academic argumentation, or the odd happenings that everyone but the main character seem to take as ordinary – people turning into bicycles, for instance) were often the most amusing. O’Brien had the gift of gab, and had a mastery over language (two languages, in fact – he spoke and wrote fluently in both English and Irish), it is a thrill just to see him spin a yarn. This book got a huge boost in popularity (to say the least) when the TV show with a cult following, “Lost,” briefly showed a character grabbing a copy of the book in a five second long scene. “Lost” fans, ever eager to track down clues to the show, swamped the tiny publisher for copies. TV can work for books!

    Sorry for rambling, but as you and I are in league, I’m sure you will understand… 😉

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